By designing and deploying a new virtualised IT infrastructure for Moore Stephens Nathans, MJ Flood Technology has helped this leading accountancy practice to reduce its carbon footprint, significantly cut IT management and hardware costs and improve service levels to users.
An office move to new premises coupled with significant company growth provided the catalysts for a new IT infrastructure for Moore Stephens Nathans as Philip O’Shea, IT manager with the company explains. “We take the view that IT is mission-critical for our business. As our IT footprint continued to grow at an exponential rate, it was clear that fresh technology investment was required. We needed a platform which would provide us with the scale and flexibility to support either organic or acquisition-led business growth into the future.”
With 123 users spread across Dublin and Cork, Moore Stephens Nathans originally had 21 servers running many applications including their mission-critical practice-management software. This had increased by 12 servers in just 3 years, driven by application vendors mandating that single servers be allocated to each separate application. In parallel to this, data growth had more than trebled in that time up from 150 Gb in December 2005 to 500 Gb in December 2008.
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